• The winner emerges!

    The winner emerges!

  • Red team wins the ferret race

    Red team wins the ferret race

  • Ready for ferret roulette

    Ready for ferret roulette

Ferret Meister Extraordinaire




Yorky, AKA The Yorkshire Countryman, who considers himself extremely lucky to have been born in God's Own Country, has lived his whole life learning about the countryside.

From rabbiting with ferrets, dogs and hawks, to shooting - shotgun and rifle - he has become a master in countryside skills.

Until recently Yorky only displayed, explained and passed on his skills and knowledge at private functions but after much thought and SO MANY invitations and pleas, he has decided to take his show on the road...... and he could bring it to YOUR event!

A true countryman, Yorky also has that rare attribute – he can really entertain the crowds!
His shows and displays are unlike anything you have seen before.

BOOK YORKY FOR YOUR EVENT – You Will Not Regret It!  But – DO IT NOW – as the diary is filling very quickly.  DON’T MISS OUT!!!!

The ferret racing winners with Yorky

The Yorkshire Countryman presents FLAT CAPS & FERRETS

Yorky is almost as proud of being a true Ferret Meister as he is of being a Yorkshire man!

A Ferret Meister is a professional ferret handler who is an authority on all things related to Mustela putorius furo i.e. the common ferret!  As Yorky has been involved with ferrets – keeping, working (rabbiting), racing and breeding ferrets since his early childhood, has studied them academically and even written books on all aspect of ferrets – the title is extremely apt!

Many years ago, Yorky was given the sobriquet of “The Ferret Man”, and he really deserves it.  With almost 100 ferrets in his care, he really knows his job.

Yorky uses the ferrets for rabbiting, underground cable threading, education, corporate entertainment and – of course – ferret racing!

Ferret in Carry Box

Want to know anything about ferrets?  Ask Yorky


Please let us know if you’d like a few photos  and/or videos of our services, and if you need more information, simply get in touch.